To take full advantage of your summer vacation, why not opt for an above ground pool? It will allow you to relax as much as you want and, above all, it will save you money. The above ground pool is indeed economical, easy to install and does not require the intervention of a construction expert.
Essential equipment for the installation
You have finally decided to install an above-ground pool in your home. Here are the materials you will need for a successful installation. You will need protective equipment (glasses, safety gloves, appropriate clothing...). All of this equipment will keep you safe and secure. If you want to install a metal above ground pool, you will not need much. The installation of this type of pool is easy and takes only a few hours. You can see it here.
On the other hand, a wooden above-ground pool requires several tools. You will need a screwdriver, a hammer, a flathead or Phillips screwdriver and a socket ratchet. You must also get a mason's rule of 2m minimum to obtain an exact measurement, a wood saw, a wheelbarrow and a shovel.
Steps to install an above ground pool
The installation of an above ground pool is easy. It will take you only 4 hours of time. To make it faster, you will need the help of a second person. Follow the instructions in the manual and you will have your pool.
You must have a level ground for the installation. Choose a sunny spot in your garden. Prepare your ground. The preparation consists in checking the state of the ground. If the level corresponds to the mason's rule of 2 m minimum, you must lay a ground sheet. Then put the liner in place. Fill the pool and install a filtration system. You must follow the instructions to the letter to ensure a successful installation. Finally, connect and assemble the various accessories of the assembly kit.